Chocolate Cherry Zucchini Shake

Chocolate Cherry Zucchini Shake

Remember the creamy chocolate milkshakes you had as a kid? The ones from the ice cream parlor where they loaded frozen custard and chocolate syrup and assorted goodies into a dripping, icy-cold stainless steel cup and whizzed everything together into dreamy milkshake perfection?

This tastes just like that.

Choco Zucchini Shake 1

Only it’s a whole lot healthier, thanks to cherries and zucchini.

That’s right, I said zucchini. For dessert. Because veggies need to have a little fun, too! Besides, zucchini pairs perfectly with chocolate, and when blended with almond butter, cocoa, sweet frozen cherries, and gooey dates, this versatile veggie delivers a frosty vegan treat that’s sure to please. Better still, the zucchini virtually disappears in the blender, so no one will be the wiser to your little secret. (I won’t tell, promise.)

Choco Zucchini Shake 2

What’s more, this rich chocolate shake only tastes decadent. Because, in addition to bliss, you’ll also get a hearty helping of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, along with over a cup of fruits and vegetables. So when the kid in you craves a tasty frozen treat—but you still want to feel like a responsible adult — just whip up a chocolate cherry zucchini shake. Then sit back and savor summer with a cool, creamy indulgence that tastes anything but healthy.

Choco Zucchini Shake 3

Lee Crosby is the owner and author of Veggie Quest, a blog dedicated to fun vegan vegetable recipes and tips for kickin’ nutrition! She specializes in unprocessed, gluten-free veggie recipes the whole family will love, along with quick-and-easy ways to eat better while saving time and money.