Recipes Inspired by Music - turn it up!

Recipes Inspired by Music - turn it up!

The first day of summer has come and gone, and we can only hope for warmer weather from here on out (especially here in the Bay area). With that warmer weather comes music festival season. People are still talking about how awesome Bonnaroo was and still have Lollapalooza to look forward to. Here at Yummly HQ, we can only dream about the musical mayhem, turn up our iPods and whip up these musically inspired recipes.

[The Fat Elvis Sandwich (via Rooftop Gourmet)

The Fat Elvis Sandwich

[Simon & Garfunkel Cheddar Biscuits (via Eating the Beats)

Simon & Garfunkel Cheddar Biscuits

[Rock N' California Roll (via averagebetty)

Rock N' California Roll

[Jazzed Up Jasmine Rice with Pineapple (via Kitchen Encounters)

Jazzed Up Jasmine Rice with Pineapple

[David Bowie Hunky Dory Strawberry Shortcake (via Turntabke Kitchen)

David Bowie Hunky Dory Strawberry Shortcake

[Music Paper Bread, Carta da Musica (via Dust with Flour)

Music Paper Bread, Musica da Carta

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