Happy Birthday to Me! My Favorite Green Tea Cupcakes

Happy Birthday to Me! My Favorite Green Tea Cupcakes

I love baking! Every year, on my birthday (is it weird to bake your own cake on your own birthday?), I bake a whole batch of cupcakes or a giant cake to share with friends and family. It's fun for me, and a way to show my appreciation of all the lovely people in my life. This year, I decided to make my absolute favorite cake in the world for my birthday (and for the baby shower of my future nephew / future President of the United States): Green Tea Cake with whipped cream cheese frosting!

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100% serious: if I could eat this cake every day without becoming my own private island, I would. The whipped cream cheese frosting is my go-to for every cake and cupcake under the sun, and if you make it you'll definitely know why.

*Important Note: It's pretty essential to use actual matcha green tea powder if you can get your hands on it, since 100% of the color and a lot of the taste comes from it. Just powdering any old green tea will imbue very little green tea flavor or color into the cupcake. Without the green tea powder, this is still a good cake with a great texture, but obviously loses its defining aspect.
